Hey, this happens to be my birthday which is also Santa Lucia Day. I love melodies and tunes that celebrate anything to do with bringing in the light at this dark time. Perhaps if we learn a few tunes you’ll have a week to practice them so that you can play them on the winter solstice if you wish!
Participants will need to preregister via email and $10 will be the suggested fee for the class. I will teach tunes by looping phrases and then we will slow jam them in their entirety if it seems like people are getting them okay! I plan to follow up with a google drive of tunes that participants could draw on after the event.
TUNES that I am collecting for my personal favorites, some of which I will teach on December 13th:
Nos Galen (Old version of Deck the Halls)
New version of Hen Fercheten Beautiful Welsh Melody being repurposed for the solstice
Here we come a Wassailing
The Holly and the Ivy
The Holly Tree
Rowan Tree after the singing of Jean Redpath
Santa Lucia Italian folk melody
Old Man Winter by Pete Sutherland from The Great Road Album 1987
The Solstice A Canadian Tune by Jason Little
The Setting Sun as Air, Jig and Reel Irish
Da Caald Nihts O’ Winter Shetland Reel
THe Humours of Winter from O’Neills
Da Slockit Light Scottish by Tom Anderson
The Sound of the Sun by Fred Morrison
Jump at the Sun by John Kirkpatrick
The Rising Sun both as a hornpipe and a reel