Located at the Fletcher Room in the Fletcher Library on College Street in Burlington.
This event will be divided roughly into two segments. Anyone may share their “work in progress” at any time, but I recommend that we start with the younger children and their families and save the second half for older students and adults. There may be a break midway. You have your choice of participating in person or via zoom. I will have a large TV in use for the rest of us (either in the room or on the zoom link) to watch. 2:30 - 3:20; 3:30 - 4:30 or whenever we finish. This event is free. Anyone who would like can make a donation to the Fletcher Library but this is not at all required!
I would like to emphasize this as a sharing of our work with others and the community, so that they we can inspire others to consider trying an instrument. We don’t have to think of it as “performing” though there will definitely be an element of that. I will likely ask participants questions so that they can share information such as what they like about playing their instrument, groups or other musical activities they are part of, etc. I think this will enhance an informal atmosphere that will be enjoyable and inspiring to whomever comes to watch.
Participants should let me know if they are coming and whether they will be participating on Zoom or in person. Last minute shifts to this are allowed but please text me so that I know what to expect! Audience members do not need to let me know in advance but if there is bad weather or other issue check back here or an email in order to get updated on the day of the event. Seating is limited and families of performers will be given priority, but if there is room, the general public will be invited in. Chairs are 6 foot distanced and can be made into pods. Masks are required to be in the room.
Thanks! —Sarah